# labeled-stream-splicer [stream splicer](https://npmjs.org/package/stream-splicer) with labels [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/browserify/labeled-stream-splicer.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/browserify/labeled-stream-splicer) # example Here's an example that exposes a label for `deps` and `pack`: ``` js var splicer = require('labeled-stream-splicer'); var through = require('through2'); var deps = require('module-deps'); var pack = require('browser-pack'); var lstream = require('lstream'); var pipeline = splicer.obj([ 'deps', [ deps() ], 'pack', [ pack({ raw: true }) ] ]); pipeline.get('deps').unshift(lstream()); pipeline.get('deps').push(through.obj(function (row, enc, next) { row.source = row.source.toUpperCase(); this.push(row); next(); })); process.stdin.pipe(pipeline).pipe(process.stdout); ``` Here the `deps` sub-pipeline is augmented with a post-transformation that uppercases its source input. # methods ``` js var splicer = require('labeled-stream-splicer') ``` The API is the same as [stream-splicer](https://npmjs.org/package/stream-splicer), except that `pipeline.get()`, `pipeline.splice()`, and `pipeline.indexOf()` can accept string labels in addition to numeric indexes. ## var pipeline = splicer(streams, opts) Create a `pipeline` duplex stream given an array of `streams`. Each `stream` will be piped to the next. Writes to `pipeline` get written to the first stream and data for reads from `pipeline` come from the last stream. To signify a label, a stream may have a `.label` property or a string may be placed in the `streams` array. For example, for streams `[ a, 'foo', b, c, 'bar', d ]`, this pipeline is constructed internally: ``` a.pipe(b).pipe(c).pipe(d) ``` with a label `'foo`' that points to `b` and a label `'bar'` that points to `d`. If `a` or `c` has a `.label` property, that label would be used for addressing. Input will get written into `a`. Output will be read from `d`. If any of the elements in `streams` are arrays, they will be converted into nested labeled pipelines. This is useful if you want to expose a hookable pipeline with grouped insertion points. ## var pipeline = splicer.obj(streams, opts) Create a `pipeline` with `opts.objectMode` set to true for convenience. ## var removed = pipeline.splice(index, howMany, stream, ...) Splice the pipeline starting at `index`, removing `howMany` streams and replacing them with each additional `stream` argument provided. The streams that were removed from the splice and returned. `index` can be an integer index or a label. ## pipeline.push(stream, ...) Push one or more streams to the end of the pipeline. The stream arguments may have a `label` property that will be used for string lookups. ## var stream = pipeline.pop() Pop a stream from the end of the pipeline. ## pipeline.unshift(stream, ...) Unshift one or more streams to the begining of the pipeline. The stream arguments may have a `label` property that will be used for string lookups. ## var stream = pipeline.shift() Shift a stream from the begining of the pipeline. ## var stream = pipeline.get(index) Return the stream at index `index`. `index` can be an integer or a string label. # install With [npm](https://npmjs.org) do: ``` npm install labeled-stream-splicer ``` # license MIT