Grammar Reference


-ing form

Use the -ing form to express likes/dislikes after the verbs like, love, prefer, enjoy and hate.

We also use the -ing form after the verbs admit, deny, keep, (don't) mind, start and stop.

The -ing form is used after all prepositions. Certain verbs and adjectives take certain prepositions.

Verb + preposition + -ing Adjective + preposition + -ing

to agree with, to believe in
to insist on
, to think of
to be arrested for
, to be accused of

to be good/bad at, to be interested in
to be proud of, to be ashamed of, to be afraid of
to be bored with, to be fed up with

To make suggestions, use the -ing form after how about, what about, do you fancy...?

What about
How about
Do you fancy
going out?