
Subject and object pronouns and possessive adjectives

Pronouns are words that can be used in place of nouns.

  • My wife is a doctor. She is here today. (She = my wife)
  • The game is fun, and it is easy to play. (it = the game)
    she, it = subject pronouns
  • Do you like beer?
  • Yes, I like it. (= beer)
    it = object pronoun

Possessive adjectives indicate who something belongs to and are used with nouns.

  • This is my book.
  • Her job is difficult.
I me my
you you your
he him his
she her her
it it its
we us our
you you your
they them their
  • John lives in Tokyo. This is a photo of him and this is his house.
  • Look at the children! They've got their clothes all dirty!
  • Can you let me use your car at the weekend?