1. Modal verbs: Probability.

Write sentences to say what probably happened in these situations. Use may have, might have, could have, must have and can’t have. Write at least three sentences for each situation.

1. Andy went shopping. He went to the grocer’s and bought some milk, and then to the greengrocer’s and bought some oranges. Then he went to the post office to collect his mail. Then he went to the bus station to buy a ticket home, but when he got there he discovered he had lost his wallet with all his money in it. Where did he lose it?

2. When Jackie got home she found that thieves had stolen her DVD player. The front door was still locked, but the back door was not locked. The bathroom window was open, too. There were muddy footprints on the bathroom floor. How did the thieves get in?

3. Someone sent me flowers for my birthday. Susan knows I’m allergic to flowers. Barbara never gives me birthday presents. Miranda has already given me a CD. Dierdre likes to surprise me. Who gave me the flowers?

2. The rules of the game.

In football you have to
are supposed to
kick the ball.
aren’t allowed to
aren’t supposed to
pick up the ball with your hands.
are allowed to
head the ball.

Choose one of these games and write a short description (100 words) of the rules:
checkers, tennis, boxing, backgammon, water polo.