

Such can be followed by a noun that has just been mentioned. In a less formal style it could be replaced in these cases by like this or like that.

  • They are also of the opinion that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that life could exist in such an ocean.
  • To this date the Kepler telescope has spotted over 2,000 such candidate planets outside our solar system.
  • There could be many such planets in our galaxy.
  • One can only hope that this is just the first of many such collaborations between them.

The following are more ways in which such is used.  

Such + noun: meaning like this or like that.

  • There could be more such planets in our galaxy.
  • One can only hope that this is just the first of many such collaborations between them.

Such + noun: used to emphasise, meaning to a high degree.

  • The premiere was such a success. Everyone was over the moon about it. 
  • He is such a pessimist! I don't know how he can live with himself.

Such + adjective + noun: meaning very.

  • It was such a good movie.
  • There were all such lovely people.

Such + that clauses:  describing a reason and then a result.

  • It was such a hot day that we decided to go to the beach.
  • The discovery had such an impact that it filled the front page of just about every newspaper that day.

Such + noun: responding to information already given.

  • You say that this is a big problem. But why is it such a problem?
  • It was really gripping. I wasn't expecting it to be such a gripping movie.


Note that such is not used demonstratively, for instance to refer to something there with you. For example:

Look at that guitar. Wouldn't you like a guitar like that?
NOT: Wouldn't you like such a guitar?

I don't like this sort of movie.
NOT: I don't like such a movie.