
Subject and object questions

In subject questions the word order is the same as an affirmative sentence. In simple tenses there is no auxiliary verb.

  • Who stopped the car? The father stopped the car.

In this question who refers to the father, the subject of the sentence.

  • Who likes beer?
    NOT: Who does like beer?
  • Who phoned before?
    NOT: Who did phone before?
  • Who was driving the car?
    NOT: Was who driving the car?

Compare these examples.

(the subjects are in blue)
Who loves Janet?
Who does David love?
David loves Janet.
David loves Janet.
Who phoned before?
Who did you phone?
Wallace phoned before.
I phoned Sandra.
Who was talking to you?
Who were you playing with?
Mary was talking to me.
I was playing with Robert.