Modal verbs

Uses of should

In the following sentence should has the meaning of in the case that.

  • It's been thought that when you have more friends than the magic 150, these are backup friends – contacts you might call on should your other friendships fall away.


Other uses of should are as follows:

  • Here is a map should you get lost. (meaning "in the event that") 
  • You should wear a seat belt. (advice/obligation) 
  • She should be back today. (deduction)  
  • I should have got up earlier. I missed the plane. (perfect infinitive for past events that did not happen)
  • If you should see Jane, tell her the news. (if-clauses)
  • I'll make more dinner in case Helga should turn up. (after in case)
  • I turned out the light so that it shouldn't keep Amy awake. (after so that)
  • It's incredible that he should say such a thing. (judgment or reaction)