Reading for "Give Me a Hand"

One goat – one small gift of $4 a month

That’s all it takes for people like Gerthrude Bukuru to survive.

Gerthrude Bukuru lives in Burundi, an African country ruined by years of civil war. During the war some of her neighbours were killed. Gerthrude has lived in constant fear.

She is a poor woman in a poor country. But she is not going to give up.

She and some other women from her village asked for help. That help came in a surprising way.

An aid organisation gave the women 10 goats. And by "recycling" these goats, the women’s lives have been changed forever.

The goats produced milk, and this meant that Gerthrude’s children had good milk to drink.

The goats produced manure. The women used the manure to fertilise their small plots of land. This improved the quality and quantity of their crops.

There was even enough food to sell. This meant that the women had more money to pay for necessities like clothes, medicine and education for their children.

In time, the goats produced their own goats, and the first 10 baby goats were given back to the aid organisation. The women were able to keep their original 10 goats.

Most importantly, they didn’t need help anymore.

A small gift – one goat costs $4 a month – is all it takes to make a big difference.