1. Speaking tutorial.

You will use this script in your speaking tutorial:

Student's script

  • Hello, can I speak to (__your tutor's name__), please?
  • Just a minute. Who is calling, please?
  • This is (__your name__). I am phoning to do the tutorial.

  • Hello, (__your tutor's name__). This is (__your name__). How are you today?
  • Fine, thanks. And you?
  • I'm fine too.

About Unit 3
Choose the appropriate sentence for you.

I have completed Unit 3.
I haven't completed Unit 3.

The unit was OK for me.
The unit was easy for me.
The unit was difficult for me.

I liked the (Reading / Listening / Vocabulary / Grammar / ...) section.

I have a question for you.

Practise your pronunciation
Read these words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Read these sentences:
In Australia they speak English.
In Norway they don't use euros.
Tiger Woods doesn't play football.
In Brazil they dance the samba.
In Japan they don't wear kilts.
They don't celebrate Christmas Day in India.
Read these dates:
Monday, 6th May
Thursday, 15th September
Sunday, 3rd January
Wednesday, 31st March
Tuesday, 27th July
Saturday, 12th October

Ask and answer the questions
Ask your tutor the questions.

What time do you usually get up?
Do you go to work by car?
What time do you finish work?
What do you do in the evening?
Do you work at the weekend?

Describing your daily routine
Look at your writing for tutorial 2. Practise the sentences. Now read the sentences to your tutor.

Now your tutor will tell you about his/her daily routine. Can you find two similarities and two differences with your daily routine?

At the end of the tutorial
Well, thank you, (__your tutor's name__). It was nice speaking to you. I will speak to you again soon. Goodbye.