1. A film poster.

The poster below is for the film The English Patient. Look at the poster and match the questions with the correct answer.

The English Patient Poster

2. Film talk quiz.

Choose the correct words and expressions and find out how good you are at film talk.


Read the analysis for your score. Do you agree with it?

Score Analysis
0-4 You probably prefer to watch films in your native language, but why not try watching films in English with subtitles from time to time? It will really help your English to improve.
5-8 You like going to the cinema, and you probably like watching and reading about films in English. Doing this is good practice for your English and will help improve it.
9-12 It’s obvious that you’re a real film buff and that you like to watch and read about films in English. Don’t stop – it’s a great way to practise your English and keep getting better!