1. Speaking tutorial.

You will use this structure in your speaking tutorial:

  1. Greetings and chat.
  2. Questions or comments about your written work or feedback.
  3. Conversation. Choose one of the two alternatives.

    Alternative 1 – The cinema and you
    1. The topics may include:
      • Do you go to the cinema often?
      • Do you see films in the original version or dubbed films? Why?
      • Have you seen any remakes?
      • Have you seen any good films recently? What are they about? Why did you like them?
      • Who is your favourite director/actor/actress?
      • Do you read film reviews? How do you decide what film to see?
    2. Ask your tutor the same questions.

    Alternative 2 – The local film industry
    1. The topics may include:
      • Is there a successful film industry in your country?
      • How has the local film industry changed since you were a child?
      • What things threaten the industry?
      • What does the film industry need to help it survive?
      • Do you think the government should provide financial help to the film industry?
      • Is it important to have a local cinema? Why?
    2. Ask your tutor about the film industry where he or she lives.
  4. General questions about your studies or the course.