Reading for "Home, sweet home"

Making a House into a Home

This month's House and Home looks at feng shui, the 3,000-year-old Chinese art of living harmoniously in our homes.

Have you ever gone into a neighbor's house and felt immediately at home? Or you walk into an office or building and feel uncomfortable, but you don't know why? You could be experiencing the effects of feng shui.

The Chinese believe all things contain energy. Feng shui, meaning "wind and water", is the art of organizing buildings to use this energy positively. It can have an effect on our homes, relationships and work, too. Use our guide to improve your home – and life!

This room contains two conflicting elements – fire and water. Because of this, the stove/oven and the sink shouldn't be close together. Don't put the stove or oven in a corner or in front of a large window. Ideally, they also won't be opposite the door. The room should be rectangular or square – irregular shapes have a negative effect on the flow of energy. A spacious room with good light is perfect.

Don't put objects that reflect opposite the bed – this includes mirrors and televisions. The bed shouldn't face the door – put it diagonally opposite. If you live in a house on two floors this room shouldn't be above the garage or the kitchen. Don't put any plants here. Don't put the bed next to a window or your spirit might leave the house while you're asleep!

Living room
This room is important because it is where we entertain guests and friends. Lots of light, space and natural colors are best. Don't fill it with too much furniture. Don't put the room near the main door of the house or under the staircase. Tables should be oval – nothing square with sharp edges and again, as with the bedroom, no mirrors!

The most important consideration here is the room's location in the house. If possible, go for a bathroom that doesn't face the front door of your house. With houses on two floors it's better not to have this room above the main entrance to the house. If mirrors are bad in the bedroom, they certainly aren't here – it's the perfect place for them.
