Questions (different tenses)

Why do you... ? / Why did you... ? / Were you... ? / How long have you... ?

1. Questions.

Look at some questions and answers from a job interview. Choose the correct answer for each question.

2. Verb forms.

Now, look at the questions and choose the correct verb tense.

3. Questions.

Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Remember to start questions with a capital letter.

4. Jenny's life.

Look at this diagram of Jenny's life.

Born 1990
Finished school 2007
Studied computer science 2007 - 2011
Graduated 2011
Started work in Acme Software 2011
Left Acme Software 2013
Started work in Software Solutions 2014 till now
Did course in mobile application design 2017
Learning Portuguese now


Use the information in the diagram to decide if these sentences are true or false.

For more information about verb tenses see the Grammar Reference.

5. Can you remember?

How good is your memory? Choose the correct answer for each question. If you need to see the information again, look at the previous exercise.

6. Questions.

Complete the questions, using the correct tense. Remember to start questions with a capital letter.