Transcript for "Home, sweet home"

adjectives are in red

Speaker 1

Well it's a pretty big room. And it's very sunny because there's a big window so it's got good light. There's a bed – the bed's in the corner – and opposite the bed there's a bookcase. And on the other side of the room there's an armoire. I don't only sleep in this room, I also spend a lot of my free time there relaxing. And actually the computer's in there as well, so I also do some work there.

Speaker 2

It's great. It's really big and sunny. It's one of the main reasons we bought the house in the first place. I do most of the cooking, and I appreciate having so much room to do it in. There are a lot of cupboards, so there's plenty of space to keep food in. There's a big wooden table in the middle which we have our meals at. And there's a fantastic view of our big backyard, so what more could I ask for?