Reading for "Daily Life"

Fact File: Science and Us
Life in Space

For most people, travelling to space is a dream. However, for more and more people, working in space is a reality. And it is NOT easy! In space there are no hot showers or take-away pizzas. Let’s look at information about different aspects of life in space.

Zero gravity and changes in daily routine (the sun comes up every 90 minutes) can cause physical problems for astronauts. To be physically fit, astronauts exercise for two hours every day.

Astronauts usually work for about 16 hours a day in space. Their work includes doing experiments, assembling parts of the space station and repairing satellites. Space shuttle crews are usually in space for about two or three weeks. Space station crews are in space for six to nine months.

Food and eating
Food doesn't usually need preparation. It comes in packets and is ready to eat. Some food can be heated or mixed with water. Plates and spoons are cleaned using special towels.

Free time
Astronauts have books, MP3 players and games, just like people on Earth! To keep in contact with colleagues, friends and family, astronauts use email or the Softphone, which is like a laptop computer.

Sleeping can be a problem with no gravity. Astronauts use straps to stay in their beds, and often their sleeping bags are attached to the walls!

A typical day
1. breakfast, personal washing and cleaning, organising
2. blood tests for health checks
3. space station maintenance and experiments
4. physical exercise
5. lunch
6. more exercise
7. finish experiments and check station systems
8. dinner and crew meeting to plan the next day
9. personal washing and free time to relax
10. sleep time
