Transcript for "Real Friends"

Conversation 1
A:        So, anyway, the business has been a huge success.
B:        Really?
A:        Yeah, incredible.
B:        They must've spent a whole heap on promotion.
A:        Well, no, it's just sort of happened by word of mouth, really. People went there and then told their
            friends about it. 
B:        Amazing. What's her partner's name again?
A:        Ah, Emma – no.
B:        Yeah, it starts with E.
A:        Yes, it's on the tip of my tongue. Ah. Eva! 
B:        Eva!

Conversation 2
A:        They've called their son Winston Hollywood Jones, which is a bit of a mouthful.
B:        I'll say! What was wrong with just Winston Jones?

Conversation 3
A:        Nobody knows where the money went, whether Juliet had something to do with it or not.
B:        Yeah. Who knows. Such a shame really, that a friendship has to end over a thing like that, but
            really, it did leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
A:        You can say that again.

Conversation 4
A:        Boy, did I put my foot in my mouth last night.
B:        How? What happened?
A:        Well, I was mouthing off about how Gerald spends all day in his office on Facebook, and who
            should be standing right behind me but–
B:        Gerald. Oh dear.
A:        Yes, and well, I just made it up. It's not as if it's true or anything. It was supposed to be a joke.
B:        So, have you started looking for another job?
A:        Not yet.