1. Speaking tutorial.

You will use this script in your speaking tutorial:

Student's script

  • Hello, (__your tutor's name__). This is (__your name__). How are you today?
  • Fine, thanks. And you?
  • I'm fine too.

About Unit 5
Choose the appropriate sentence for you.

I have completed Unit 5.
I haven't completed Unit 5.

The unit was OK for me.
The unit was easy for me.
The unit was difficult for me.

I liked the (Reading / Listening / Vocabulary / Grammar / ...) section.

I have a question for you.

Practise your pronunciation
Read these words:

girl, boy, children, woman, man, women, men, people.

hair, face, ear, nose, eye, beard, glasses, mouth, moustache.

long hair, tall, pretty, easy-going, funny, nice, short, not nice, not very pretty, serious, short hair, nervous.

Read these sentences:

He's wearing a T-shirt.
How are you?
What is he like?
She has green eyes.
He's very friendly.
I'm fine thanks.
They have dark hair and brown eyes.
He's not very tall.

Describing famous people
1. Think of a famous person. Prepare a description of the person.

Now read the description to your tutor. Can your tutor recognise who it is?

(Look again at START and FORUM to help you with this.)

2. Now your tutor will describe a famous person to you. Who is the famous person?

What is your tutor like?
Prepare five questions to ask your tutor.

For example:

Do you have long hair?
What colour are your eyes?

At the end of the tutorial
Well, thank you, (__your tutor's name__). It was nice speaking to you. I will speak to you again soon. Goodbye.