a / an / the


Articles: a / an / the / zero article

A is the indefinite article. It is used with single countable nouns.

  • He is a doctor.
  • Is there a post office near here?

Use a before consonant sounds. Use an before vowel sounds.

  • a book
  • a holiday
  • a university
  • an ice-cream
  • an hour
  • an umbrella

The is the definite article. It is used when there is only one of something.

  • the moon

This includes superlative adjectives.

  • It's the best sound in the world.

It is used when it is clear which thing the speaker refers to.

  • Where's the bathroom?

It is used when something has already been identified.

  • I had an egg and a sausage. The egg was bad.

We don't use the article the when we talk about things in general.

  • I like music.
  • I like the music on the radio now.
    NOT: I like the music.

1. A, an or the?

Choose the correct options to complete the text.

My favourite shop

Articles: the / zero article

  • The oranges are on the table.
    The = article
  • Oranges are grown in Spain.
    ___Oranges = zero article

The zero article is used with indefinite plurals and uncountable nouns. We use it when we are talking about these things in general.

  • Chocolate is made from cacao beans.
    NOT: The chocolate is made from cacao beans.
  • Oranges are grown in Spain.
    NOT: The oranges are grown in Spain.
  • I like dogs.
    NOT: I like the dogs.

The article the is used with specific plurals and uncountable nouns.

  • The chocolate is expensive in this shop. (definite article: Which chocolate? The chocolate in this shop.)
  • The oranges on the table are for dessert. (definite article: Which oranges? The oranges on the table.)

Here are more examples to compare:

  • I like music.
  • The music is very loud in this bar.
  • She's very interested in poetry.
  • The poetry in this magazine is excellent.
  • Books are expensive.
  • Put the books on the table.


2. General or specific?

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

3. Correct or incorrect?

Are these sentences correct or incorrect?

For more information about articles see the Grammar Reference.