Possessive forms

's / of
We use 's for people, animals, organisations and countries.
  • the boy's name
  • the cat's leg
  • the club's rules
  • China's influence
  • my sister's boyfriend's car

We also use 's for when/time expressions.

  • tomorrow's weather
  • a month's holiday
  • yesterday's news
  • today's paper

For other cases we normally use an of structure.

  • the name of the book
  • the leg of the table
  • the rules of grammar

1. Possessive: 's and of.

Choose the correct option.

2. Find the mistakes.

Select the mistakes of possessive form in this text.

3. Correct the mistakes.

Here are the mistakes from the previous exercise. Type the correct form in the box.

For more information about possessive 's and of see the Grammar Reference.

4. Ted's pleasures.

Here is a list of things that Ted likes.

sound - waves breaking on the beach
cooking - his mother
smell - rain after a storm
a day - summer
cigars - his father
holiday - a month
kisses - his girlfriend

Now write full sentences about Ted.