Blog: My experience on a reality show

1. A diary entry.

Use the phrases to complete a contestant's diary entry about her experience on a reality show called House from Hell. In this reality show contestants have to share a house for 30 days.

2. True or false?

Read the diary entry again and mark the statements true or false.


3 Obligation, prohibition and permission.

What do the sentences express? Choose the correct option.

4. Obligation, prohibition and permission.

Choose the option that is most similar in meaning to the first sentence.

5. Write.

Imagine you are this contestant in exercises 1 and 2. After 10 days on the show, your feelings have changed. Write your diary entry for Day 10 explaining the following problems and regrets:

  • the contestants are often nasty to each other
  • you didn’t know you had the obligation to organise cleaning, and nobody helps you
  • you miss your friends / phoning friends is prohibited 
  • nobody does the washing-up
  • you have the obligation to vote for other contestants / this produces nastiness and bad feelings
  • you are not enjoying the experience
  • your friend persuaded you to join the show
  • you regret listening to your friend

Day 10
This is so terrible! ...

Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully.