1. Famous people.

Choose three famous people. Write sentences about them, some true and some false. Post your sentences in the Pre-Elementary Forum. For example:

This famous person is Madonna:

She has four children, two boys and two girls.
Her daughters' names are Lourdes and Gina. Her sons' names are Ricky and David.
Sometimes she lives in the United States, and sometimes she lives in New Zealand.
Her first husband is an actor.
She's American.
She is a singer.

True or false?


2. In the Forum.

Visit the Pre-Elementary Forum. Read the sentences from the other students. What information is false? Click on "Post reply" and write your answers. For example:

Madonna's daughters' names aren't Lourdes and Gina, they're Lourdes and Mercy, and her sons are Rocco and David. Also, she doesn't sometimes live in New Zealand. She sometimes lives in Britain.