1. Sort the words.

Put these words from the text in the right category.

2. Collocations.

Complete these sentences using the words in the drop-down menus.

3. Missing words.

Can you remember the verbs? Say and record the complete sentence, using the correct verb.

4. Collocations.

Now complete this table by typing the correct verb (do, make or take) into each box.

5. Common house metaphors.

Read the sen6tences and choose the best definition for each expression.

1. Use your previous experience. Build on what you know. It’s easier than starting from the beginning.
2. They started with nothing but have managed to build up a successful business.
3. I love working here. I really feel at home in this job.
4. After the scandal his career was in ruins.
5. What we have done so far is an excellent foundation to build on in the future.
6. After the economic crisis they expect interest rates to go through the roof.
7. Her reputation will open doors for her. I’m sure she’ll get a job quickly and easily.
8. I asked him for advice and he said that hard work was the key to success.

6. Metaphors related to houses.

Use the house-related words in the box to complete the sentences.