1. Emphasis.

For each item, combine the information in one sentence, using the word or words in brackets.

For example:

The acting was good. It was much better than I expected. (far)
The acting was far better than I expected.

The original was good, but the remake is better. (even)
The remake’s even better than the original.

This remake is better but it’s disappointing. (but/still)
This remake is better but it’s still disappointing.

1. I was hungry. I ate everything in the fridge. I ate tomorrow's lunch. (so/even)
I was so hungry I ...

2. I was tired. I went to the cinema after work. (but/still)
I was tired but I ...

3. I thought the film would be dull. It was duller than I expected. (far)
The film was ...

4. The bus always takes a long time to come. Yesterday it took longer than usual. (even)
The bus took …………………… than usual to come.

5. The original was very exciting. The remake wasn't very exciting. (far)
The original was …………………… the remake.

6. I don't like musicals, but I enjoyed this one. (but/still)
I don’t like musicals but ...

2. Expressing your opinion.

Think of a film you have seen recently. Write true sentences about the film and your opinion of it. Use the following words in each of your sentences.

  • however
  • but
  • although
  • far
  • even
  • still
  • Having said that,
  • What's more,
  • After all,