Transcript for "{Unit name}"

Yeah well this … perhaps the worst journey I remember was when I was, many years ago, going from London to Egypt, and I decided to do it on the cheap. And I started off by taking a ferry from England to Holland; the ferry was overnight – very full of football hooligans, by chance. Anyway, then from Amsterdam I bought a ticket on a bus, a very cheap bus across Europe. The morning the bus left I overslept and arrived at the bus station 20 minutes late. Fortunately the bus hadn't left. So we continued through Europe and got to Switzerland, spent the night, slept in the bus outside some town, set off again in the morning only to discover that we'd left two of the passengers behind who had decided to sleep outside the bus. Anyway, so we had to wait for them – that was another day lost. I got … I left the bus at Milan and took a train to Venice because I had a ticket on a ferry going from Venice to Alexandria. Anyway, I got to Venice, discovered that the ferry had been cancelled. I had no money, I … and anyway, but there was another ferry leaving in a couple of days so I had to live on bread and cheese for two days. The ferry eventually left and – but it was going very slowly and we discovered that it only had one engine … or the engine was working ... wasn't working properly, and going very very slowly, and we took much longer than expected, and this wasn't helped because we had to make a big detour around Crete because there was some military operation happening there. It took a week to get from Venice to Alexandria, by which time I had no food, no money, and had slept very badly – I've never been so pleased to stand on dry land again.