Phrases with give

give advice, give an answer...

1. Give + (someone) + noun.

You advise someone, or you give (someone) (some) advice.

Here are more nouns that go with give.

give advice (on something) Give me some advice on this problem.
give help (with something) I give him help with his homework.
give an opinion (on something) We give an opinion on the situation.
give a reason (for something) Can you give me a reason for this?
give an answer (to something) He didn't give me an answer to my question.


Match the phrases to what these people say.


Note: Advice and help are uncountable nouns:

I gave him an advice. I gave him some advice.
I gave her a help. I gave her some help.

2. Word order.

Put the words in order to make more sentences with give + noun.