Contrasting vowel sounds (1): //, //

spine, fine, brain, vein...


Play and listen.


Play and listen.

1. Vowel sounds: /aɪ/ and /eɪ/.

Listen to the vowel sounds in these words:

/aɪ/ child, hide, side effects, cyclist
/eɪ/ race, stadium, baseball, persuade

Which of the following words doesn't rhyme? For example:

eat meet late

Late doesn't have the same vowel sound as eat and meet.

We can say that late doesn't rhyme with eat and meet.

Choose the word in each group that doesn't rhyme.


Now listen to these words being pronounced.

2. Listen and sort.

Listen to these words and put them into two groups according to their pronunciation.

3. Spelling and pronunciation.

Complete these spelling rules:

4. Listen and write.

Listen and write the sentences you hear.