1. Speaking tutorial.

You will use this script in your speaking tutorial:

Student's script

  • Hello, (__your tutor's name__). This is (__your name__). How are you today?
  • Fine, thanks. And you?
  • I'm fine too. How was your weekend?
  • It was fine, thanks. I stayed in ......... (OR) I went to .........
  • How about next weekend? Do you have any plans?
  • Yes, next weekend I am...
    going to the beach...
    visiting friends...
    staying in...
    travelling to...

About Unit 10
Choose the appropriate sentence for you.

I have completed Unit 10.
I haven't completed Unit 10.
I am doing the ........... section of the unit.

The unit was OK for me.
The unit was easy for me.
The unit was difficult for me.

I liked the (Reading / Listening / Vocabulary / Grammar / ...) section.

I have a question for you.

Read these sentences to your tutor:

1. Put the brush in the cup next to the paint.
2. I’m in a hurry because I have a business lunch.
3. This number bus is good for us.
4. If you are hungry we can have lunch.
5. She pushed my chair into the sun. 
6. He put too much sugar in my tea.

Choose ONE of the alternatives below. Your tutor will ask you the questions.

Alternative 1 – Helping people

  • When was the last time you gave someone a hand, for example at home, at work, or connected with your studies?
  • What was the situation?
  • How did you help?
  • What was the result?

Now ask your tutor the same questions.

Alternative 2 – Helping with your work or studies

  • Do people ever give you a hand with your work or studies? If so, what do they do?
  • In the past, when you were starting your working life or your studies, how did your colleagues help you?
  • Do you ever give other people a hand with their work or studies?
  • What do you do? Why do you do it?

Now ask your tutor the same questions.

At the end of the tutorial
Well, thank you, (__your tutor's name__). It was nice speaking to you. Goodbye.