Ecological behaviour

bins, recycling, appliances...

1. Are you eco-friendly?

Do the questionnaire to find out how eco-friendly you are. Choose your answer, and then find out your score.


Now check your score against the key below. Do you agree with what it says?

Questionnaire key:
Score 0-3 You're a very eco-friendly person. You use energy efficiently and do what you can to make less of an impact on the environment.
Score 4-7 At least you're trying. Perhaps you are aware of the importance of saving energy and resources. Of course, we've all got good intentions, but putting ideas into practice is another thing.
Score 8-10 You're not particularly eco-friendly, it seems. Maybe you're too busy. In all areas of your life there are ways you could save energy and resources, and save money as well!

2. Questionnaire answers.

Here are one person's answers to some of the questions in the questionnaire. Which questions do they correspond to?

See questionnaire

1. How many electrical appliances are there in your kitchen?
2. When you do the washing-up, do you rinse the dishes in hot water or cold?
3. Do you separate your rubbish into different types - paper, glass, cans, etc. - and use recycling bins?
4. Does it bother you how many plastic shopping bags are given out by cashiers in supermarkets?
5. Do you reuse plastic bags, glass jars and paper, or do you throw it all away?
6. At night, when you leave a room, do you always turn the light out?
7. You're sitting at home and you feel a bit cold. What do you do: put on a sweater, or turn on the heating?
8. Do you throw old batteries in the rubbish?
9. What transport do you normally use?
10. You read about an oil spill on a coast you go to every summer. What's your first reaction?