1. Remakes

What do you think about remakes? Have you seen any good ones? Have you seen any bad ones? What do you like or not like about them?

Prepare your answers and then post them in the Forum. Read and respond to the posts of other students.

2. Films and you.

Do you go to the cinema very often? Is the cinema a popular pastime where you live or do people prefer to watch TV or movies on the Internet? Write a post telling other students about cinema-going habits where you live.

Prepare your answers and then post them in the Forum. Read and respond to the posts of other students.

3. Your favourite films.

What types of films do you enjoy most? Write a post telling other students about your favourite types of films. Recommend one or two films for other students to go and see.

Prepare your answers and then post them in the Forum. Read and respond to the posts of other students.