Giving instructions

passive / by + -ing / should + so that

1. Instructions: step by step.

Once the loops are twisted, gently pull them.
Once + first instruction (passive verb), second instruction (imperative)

Combine the two instructions in one sentence, like the example.

First you twist the loops. Then you gently pull them.
Once the loops are twisted, gently pull them.

Note: Do you remember how to make the passive verb form? If you need help first see the Grammar Reference.

2. Instructions: explaining how.

You can explain how to do something using by + -ing

Make the disc spin by pulling the strings.

Combine the two sentences to make instructions.

For example:

Pull the strings. This will make the disc spin.
Make the disc spin by pulling the strings.


3. Instructions: explaining why.

The loops should be short enough so that you can easily hold the device.
The bird should be centred so that it will fit in the cage.

Are these sentences true or false?

4. Matching.

Match the two halves to complete the sentences.

5. Can you remember?

Can you remember the second half of the sentences in the previous exercise? Type the missing words in the boxes.