Modal verbs

Should vs. would

Would can be used to talk about past habits, is the past of will, and is used in polite requests and in conditional sentences.

  • Every evening we would play Scrabble for hours.
  • I said I wouldn't be late.
  • Would you mind closing the door, please?
  • I would tell you if I knew the answer.

Should/would can be used as a past form of shall/will, for example, in offers, requests, and in sentences with if.

  • I mentioned that we should/would probably finish by Friday.
  • I should/would be happy to show you around.
  • He would like some help.
  • If they could, they would have more time off.
  • If you would be so kind as to follow me.

However, should is used only with the subjects I and we. For you, she, it, and they, only would is used.

  • I should very much like to meet them.
  • You would very much like to meet them.
    NOT: You should very much like to meet them.