

Adverbs of manner are used with verbs. They describe how something happens. Adverbs of manner can be in the middle or at the end of a sentence.

Adverbs of manner cannot be placed between verb and object.

  • He opened slowly the door.

Most adverbs of manner are formed by adding -ly to the adjective form.

  • sad sadly
  • patient patiently
  • slow slowly
  • proud proudly

However, some adverbs are spelt differently.

With adjectives ending in -le, the -le is replaced by -ly.

  • gentle gently

With adjectives ending in -y, the -y is replaced by -ily.

  • angry angrily

But one-syllable adjectives ending in -y simply add -ly.

  • shy shyly

With adjectives ending in -ic, -ally is added.

  • automatic automatically