
Passive (2) – Sentence topic passive

We often use passive forms to describe processes, when the important thing is the action - what is done to the person or thing - not who or what is doing the action.

  • Chocolate is made from cacao beans. (passive)
  • The letters are delivered every morning. (passive)

Compare the sentences above to these:

  • The Aztecs made a drink from cacao beans. (active)
  • Postal workers deliver the letters every morning. (active)

In the second set of sentences it is important who does the action. In these sentences the verb is in the active form.

The passive form is made up of auxiliary be + past participle.

  • Chocolate is made from cacao beans. (present passive)
  • The fruit was sold in markets. (past passive)
  • The building will be completed next year. (future passive)


  • The letters are not delivered every morning.


  • Is chocolate made from cacao beans?

With passive forms we can use by + noun if we want to say who does the action.

  • The questions are answered by experts.
  • This picture was painted by Vincent van Gogh.

When passive forms appear together it is not necessary to repeat the auxiliary be.

  • The beans are cleaned, are selected, are mixed and are roasted.

The sentence above is normally written like this:

  • The beans are cleaned, selected, mixed and roasted.