Sounds (4): //, /ɔː/, /əʊ/

now, four, know


Play and listen.


Play and listen.


Play and listen.

1. Three different sounds.

Listen to how these words are pronounced.

Each box is for words with the same sound. Put the words into the correct box.

2. Listen and repeat.

Now listen and repeat the words.

Box 1, e.g. "how"
Box 2, e.g. "or"
Box 3, e.g. "no"
about four go
our walk over
house fall broken
now talk know
down saw don't

3. Read and listen.

Read and listen to the story "My First Swim in the River".

Notice which words are stressed (accented), and which words are not stressed. The stressed words are in bold.

One summer, when I was about four years old, I was walking with my sister along an old wooden bridge over a river near our house. The bridge was very old and a bit broken and I wasn't looking where I was going and I fell off the bridge into the river. I remember I was wearing red plastic sandals, and I remember seeing these red plastic sandals and the blue sky, you know, as I was falling. My sister didn't see me fall and continued walking and talking to me. Luckily there were some people swimming in the river and they saw me fall and rescued me. I don't remember being frightened.

In the story, which words are stressed? Choose the best answer.

Notice how stressing these words gives the story rhythm.

Concentrate on your pronunciation and words that are stressed. Read the story with rhythm!