Questions (2)

What time is it? How much is the ticket?...

1. Listen.

Listen to the question.

How many words do you hear?

This question has four words. See the question.

Now listen to some more questions.

How many words do you hear?

Remember: Where's = two words (Where is)

2. Listen.

Here are the answers to the questions in the previous exercise.

It takes ten minutes.
You can go by bus, or you can take a taxi.
Yes, there's a bank in the main square.
It opens at eight o'clock.
It's four o'clock.
The train station? It's opposite the cinema.
Go to the post office.
Yes, it's opposite.
It's £5.75.
Yes, you can.

Now listen again to the questions. Drag the answer for the question you hear.


3. Complete the questions.

Listen to the questions again, and type in the missing words.

4. Listen and repeat.

Here are the questions again. Listen and repeat.

  1. How much is the ticket?
  2. What time is it?
  3. What time does the post office open?
  4. Where's the train station?
  5. Is there a bank near here?
  6. How do I get there?
  7. How long does it take?
  8. Where can I buy some stamps?
  9. Can I pay by credit card?
  10. Is it near the supermarket?