
Dependent prepositions

Many nouns, verbs and adjectives are always followed by the same preposition when they have a particular meaning. These prepositions are dependent prepositions.

  • Online education dispenses with many of the inconveniences of traditional classes.
  • Not everyone has access to the technology required.
  • You need to be able to take responsibility for your own learning.
  • You have to be good at organising your own time.
  • I don't really believe in these alternative medicines.
  • There are so many different colours to choose from.
  • I'm trying to concentrate on my vowel sounds.
  • This really depends on how much we want to spend.
  • I really must insist on your dressing neatly when you come to the office.
  • Is there no way of preventing the chickens from getting into the vegetable patch?
  • Amy is struggling with her Spanish verb endings.

Some verbs take different prepositions but with a change in meaning.

  • We laugh at a funny thing or person.
    We laugh about a funny situation.
  • We think of ideas.
    We think about a situation.