Adjective order

tall old man

1. Adjective order.

Within stood a tall old man, clean-shaven save for a long white moustache.
Put the adjectives in these sentences in the correct order.

2. Adjective order.

Look again at the sentences from the previous exercise. Then put the adjectives categories in the usual order before a noun.

1. He had long grey shoulder-length hair and tiny dark blue eyes.
2. The castle had four enormous cylindrical stone towers.
3. It was surrounded by a high black metal fence.
4. He showed me to a large rectangular Chinese wooden table.
5. He poured me a glass of unpleasant green Transylvanian herbal liqueur.
6. He produced a cheap French plastic cigarette lighter and lit the tall yellow wax candles.
7. In my room I opened my battered black leather weekend bag.
8. I took out my favourite little glass shaving mirror.