Packing information into sentences

ancestral women of this particular tribe

1. Packing information into sentences.

Look at an example sentence (the long sentence below) describing a painting

This painting represents the women.
The women are ancestral.
The women are of this particular tribe.
The women are sitting in the shade of a tree.

All this information can be contained in one sentence. For example:

This painting represents the ancestral women of this particular tribe sitting in the shade of a tree.

Women is a noun.
Ancestral is an adjective. It comes before the noun.
Of this particular tribe is a preposition phrase. It comes after the noun.
Sitting in the shade of a tree is a participle clause. It comes after the noun.

Use the elements in each set of four sentences to make one long sentence.
(In the first two the elements have been coloured to help you.)

For more information about packing information into sentences see the Grammar Reference.

2. Matching.

Choose the correct description for the pictures. Change title to: Saying what something represents.