Text 1

Read the Wikipedia text and mark the sentences true or false.

Modern Family

Modern Family is an American TV show set in Los Angeles. It follows the lives of Jay Pritchett and his family. The family includes his second wife, their son and stepson, and Jay’s two adult children and their families.

Jay Pritchett is a retired business man. He has two children with his first wife DeDe; a daughter, Claire, and a son, Mitchell. Jay and DeDe divorced in 2003, and Jay married his second wife, Gloria. She comes from Colombia and is much younger than Jay. Together they have a son, Joe, who was born in 2013. Manny Delgado, Gloria’s son from her first marriage, is also part of the family.

Jay’s daughter Claire is married to Phil Dunphy. Claire is a housewife and Phil is an estate agent, he buys and sells houses. Claire and Phil have three teenage children; two daughters, called Haley and Alex, and a son called Luke. Haley has lots of friends and she is interested in fashion. Alex is a good student, she studies hard and gets very good grades. She also plays the cello. Luke loves playing computer games.

Claire’s younger brother Mitchell works as a lawyer. Mitchell is married to Cameron. In the past he had different jobs: teacher, football coach and clown. They have an adopted daughter called Lily. She was born in Vietnam in 2008. Mitchell loves musicals, and when he was young he enjoyed ice skating. Cameron has many hobbies, he likes to make home movies, he plays the drums and he does Ikebana, Japanese flower arrangement.




Text 2

Read the following interview, from a boarding school website, with Rowena Singh, a student at the school. Choose the correct answer for each item.

Note: A boarding school is a school where the students live at the school.

Interview with Rowena

Interviewer: Rowena, please can you describe your routine? What time does your day start?

Rowena: Well, on weekdays we get up at 7:00. Then at 7:30 we go to the dining room to have breakfast.

Interviewer: What do you have for breakfast?
Rowena: Breakfast is really great. We have a big buffet, so we can choose what we want to eat. We have cereals, bread, fruit, eggs and so on.

Interviewer: And what do you do after breakfast?
Rowena: Then we have our lessons. We have four lessons in the morning, with a short break at 10:30. The first lesson starts at nine o’clock and we finish at 12:30.

Interviewer: When is lunch?
Rowena: Normally at about a quarter to one. We all have lunch together in the dining room. There is a salad bar, and usually there is a vegetable or a pasta dish. Sometimes we have meat or fish.

Interviewer: What do you do in the afternoons?
Rowena: We all go to our rooms for an hour – some people do homework, read a book or check their messages. After that there are two afternoon lessons, and then we have free time until dinner.

Interviewer: And what do you do in the evenings?
Rowena: After dinner there are different activities that we can do. There is a theatre group, you can learn to play a musical instrument, or go to the chess club or the art group. I’m learning the saxophone.

Interviewer: Interesting. You have a very busy day!
Rowena: Yes, I guess we do. We go to bed at half past eight and have an extra half an hour to read if we want to. Then it’s “lights out” and we go to sleep. I don’t have any trouble going to sleep! I like my sleep time.



Choose the correct answer for each item.


Text 3

Read the description of a holiday from a travel website and match the activity to the day.

East Coast Safari and Beach Holiday for Families

Take your family on a fantastic holiday to the beautiful East Coast of South Africa. You will stay in the Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park, which is very near to Durban. With your personal guide you will explore the 96,000-hectare national park, and you will see some of the most famous African animals. From Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park you will travel to the coast, where you and your family can relax at the beach.

Day 1: You will fly from London – Heathrow to Durban King Shaka International Airport.

Day 2: When you arrive at Durban King Shaka Airport, you will pick up your rental car and drive to the Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge, 255 km north of Durban. You will stay in a family safari room at the Rhino Ridge Lodge, which has a spa, swimming pool and restaurant.

Day 3 - 5: Every day your guide will organise a safari. Your guide will pick you up at 6:00 a.m. in a special safari car, and together you will go out and look for “the Big 5” – lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and buffalos.

Day 6 - 10: After breakfast you will drive the 125 km to the Elephant Coast. You will stay at the luxurious Thonga Beach Lodge. This is the perfect place to go snorkelling or scuba diving. If you want, you can also go birdwatching or go on a whale watching tour.

Day 11: You will drive back to Durban King Shaka Airport to return your rental car and fly back to London.

Day 12: Arrival in London-Heathrow.



There are three parts to this section of the test. In each section, read the questions then listen or watch and choose your answers.

Text 1

Listen to Max talking about his day. Mark the sentences true or false. (In the official test you only hear the recording twice.)

Choose the correct answer for each item.


Text 2

Watch short interviews with teenagers, talking about celebrities that they admire. Choose the correct option for each item. (In the official test you only see the video twice.)


Text 3

Listen to a person describing his neighbourhood. Mark the sentences true or false. (In the official test you only hear the recording twice.)


Part 1

Read the texts and choose the correct options.

Text 1

Read the description of a routine and choose the correct options.


Text 2

Read the description of a photo and choose the correct options.


Part 2

Choose the best option to complete the sentences.