1. Speaking tutorial.

You will use this script in your speaking tutorial:

Student's script

  • Hello, (__your tutor's name__). This is (__your name__). How are you today?
  • Fine, thanks. And you?
  • I'm fine too.
  • Very well. How is life? Are you busy?
  • Yes / No. At the moment, …
  • Do you have any plans for tonight / the weekend?
  • Yes, I'm going to ... / No, not really. I will probably …

About Unit 6
Choose the appropriate sentence for you.

I have completed Unit 6.
I haven't completed Unit 6.
I am doing the ........... section of the unit.

The unit was OK for me.
The unit was easy for me.
The unit was difficult for me.

I liked the (Reading / Listening / Vocabulary / Grammar / ...) section.

I have a question for you.

Read these sentences to your tutor:

I don't believe it!
It's unbelievable!
It can't be true!
It's amazing!
It's incredible!

He got work as a lorry driver.
He got sick.
He got worse and got better.
They got engaged last year.
They are getting married next year.

The man was so tired that he went to sleep.
The boy was so hungry that he ate the whole cake.

Choose ONE of the alternatives below. Your tutor will ask you the questions.

Alternative 1 – Winning

  • Do you ever buy lottery tickets? If so, how often? Have you won anything?
  • If you don't buy lottery tickets, why not?
  • Do you have friends or relatives who buy lottery tickets? Do they buy them at a particular time of year?
  • Have they ever won anything?

Alternative 2 – Good and bad luck

  • What lucky or unlucky things have happened to you?
  • Where were you?
  • What happened?
  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do next?
  • What is lucky or unlucky in your country?
  • Are people very superstitious in your country?

At the end of the tutorial
Well, thank you, (__your tutor's name__). It was nice speaking to you. Goodbye.