Transcript for "Good Luck Story"

This is a true story I read in the newspaper. It happened in Italy. A man – a doctor I think he was – it was New Year's Eve – he put a box of expensive cakes in the back of the car and he went to visit a friend. But on the way he got a flat tyre. Another man stopped and helped him to change the tyre. He took the flat tyre off and put the spare tyre on. The doctor thanked the man, and the man drove off. It was then that the doctor discovered that the man was a thief. The old tyre, some tools and the box of cakes were missing from the back of the car. But – this is the funny bit – the doctor found a lottery ticket in the back of the car. I suppose it fell out of the man's pocket when he was changing the tyre. The doctor kept it, and a week later he was reading the newspaper and he was amazed to discover that the ticket won first prize in the lottery. Now what do you think he did? Did he collect the prize money? Not at all. He put an advertisement in the newspaper, asking the thief to come and get the ticket. And that's what the thief did. He apologised to the doctor, got the ticket back, and collected the prize money. Why did the doctor do that? Well, he told reporters that the ticket wasn't his. "He may be a thief, but I am not." Isn't that amazing? It's true, too. I read it in the paper.