Transcript for "Good Luck Story"

A: Hello, Albert. I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you?
B: Oh, you know, not too bad.
A: What's news?
B: Well, do you know I'm getting married next month?
A: Really? Congratulations! Who's the lucky woman?
B: Her name's Brenda. Her father's a millionaire.
A: That's amazing!
B: But unfortunately he died last week.
A: I'm really very sorry.
B: What about you? What's your news?
A: Not so good. My girlfriend left me last month.
B: That's bad news.
A: And I didn't pass my driving test for the third time.
B: Well. Better luck next time.
A: Thanks. And I've got this terrible cold.
B: Oh dear. I hope you get well soon.
A: I hope so too. But the good news is that today's my birthday!
B: Many happy returns! Let me buy you a drink.