Transcript for "Give Me a Hand"

Ona: Can you help us, please? We're not sure which train to catch.
Man: Sure. Where do you want to go?
Ona: We want to go to the airport.
Man: OK. Well, you need to take the airport train. That's on platform 4.
Ona: OK, thanks.
- - - -
Ona: Quick, Ada! The train leaves in five minutes, and we still have to get the tickets.
Ada: Yeah, I know. Can you give me a hand with my bag? It's really heavy.
Ona: OK. Hurry up. Let's go. There's the ticket counter, over there.
- - -
Ada: Two tickets to the airport, please.
Ticket seller: That's $24, please.
Ada: OK. Just a minute. … Ona, can you pass me my bag? My wallet's inside.
Ona: Here you go.
Ada: Thanks. … Oh, no!
Ona: What?
Ada: I don't have enough for the ticket. I can't believe it!
Ona: I can't believe it.
Ada: Can you lend me the money till we get back home?
Ona: Yeah, sure, Ada. Here. Quick, we have about a minute to
catch the train.
Ada: Thanks, Ona. ... Here you go. Twenty-four dollars. That's right, isn't it?
Ticket seller: That's right. … Here you go.
Ada: Thank you.
- - - -
Station announcement: Northern suburbs line – platform 6 now departing. Airport train
on platform 4 – departing in 2 minutes.
- - - -
Ada and Ona together: Two minutes!?! Run!