1. A letter.

Read this letter written to the advice page of Healthy Life, Happy Life magazine.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am an international business manager and as part of my job I fly all over the world and spend lots of time in airports and sitting on aeroplanes. During long flights I often get aches and pains in my back, shoulders and legs.

Spending lots of time on planes and in airports also makes me feel tired and lethargic. This is a very real problem for me because I often arrive in foreign countries and have to go directly to important meetings. As you can imagine this isn't a very good condition in which to do business!

Could you give me some advice on how to survive the problems of long-distance travel – both in the airport and on the plane? Could you also suggest any exercises that I can do to help my poor body?

Thank you very much,

Gillian Hudson

Tick the problems from the list below that Gillian mentions in her letter.

2. About the letter.

What does Gillian want the magazine to do? Choose from the list below.

3. Write.

Choose ONE of the alternatives below.

Alternative 1 – Travel advice
Write a reply to Gillian giving her advice about what she can do in the airport and on the plane to make her long-distance travel more successful and enjoyable. Also, suggest some exercises she can do to help with plane travel.

Look again at the language that you have studied in this unit to help you write your letter.

Here are some useful expressions to help you write your letter:

Sitting still for long periods can be uncomfortable.
You should do these exercises regularly.
One problem might be that …
Also remember that …
Bend your right arm and touch your shoulder.
Finally, don't forget that …

Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before sending the text to your tutor.

Alternative 2 – A sports injury
Match the questions about sports injuries to the answers. Note down your answers and then compare them with the correct answers.

1. c, 2. a, 3. f, 4. e, 5. d, 6. b

1. Do you know anybody who has had a sports injury? a. It happened last year.
2. When did it happen? b. He couldn't play squash for six months. He started playing again about a month ago.
3. How did he get injured? c. My brother had a very bad knee injury.
4. How often did he play? d. He had to have an operation. After that he had to have physiotherapy.
5. What did he have to do to get better? e. He played squash every Saturday evening with a friend.
6. Does he still play? f. He injured his knee when he was playing squash.

Now compare your answers with the correct answers.

Write an email to your tutor about a sports injury. You can use the questions and answers above to help you.

Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before sending the text to your tutor.