1. Parts of the body.

Check that you know these body parts.

2. Giving instructions.

Watch the video. Answer the questions.

3. Giving instructions.

Read part of the instructions from the video and put the verbs in the right place.

4. Giving instructions.

Watch part 2 of the video, and answer the questions.

5. Back.

Back is both a noun and an adverb.

We can take some of the strain off your back. = noun
OK, so now take hold of the back of the chair... = noun
...and bend back your leg. = adverb

For the following examples of back, decide which part of speech it is.

6. Giving instructions.

Now, watch part 3 of the video, and complete the instructions. (Note that there is no sound for this part.)

7. Listen and repeat.

Listen to, repeat and record the instructions.

8. Watch and read.

Watch the videos again. Turn on and read the subtitles.