Email your tutor and arrange to speak to him/her by phone for about 20 minutes.
(In the actual examination, this section will be done face-to-face with an interlocutor and with one other candidate - Candidate B - and will last about 15 minutes.)
Part 1 (about 2 minutes)
The interlocutor will ask you questions about yourself.
(In the actual examination, you will also be encouraged to talk to Candidate B.)
Part 2 (about 2 minutes)
Your tutor will ask you questions about these two pictures.
You should be prepared to discuss the pictures in relation to your own experience.
What different skills do you need to do these jobs? |
(In the actual examination, Candidate B will then talk about his/her two pictures, and then you will be asked to talk briefly about each other's pictures.)
Part 3 (about 3 minutes)
You will be asked to talk about this picture, and to carry out a task such as planning, problem solving, speculating etc.
(In the actual examination you will do this task with Candidate B.)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different ideas? Which ideas do you want to include in the programme? |
Part 4 (about 2 minutes)
The interlocutor will ask you more questions on the topics
raised in Part 3, including questions about your own experience, opinions and