1. Speaking tutorial.

You will use this structure in your speaking tutorial:

  1. Greetings and chat.
  2. Questions or comments about your written work or feedback.
  3. Conversation. Choose one of the two alternatives.

    Alternative 1 – Work and exercise
    1. The topics may include:
      • Do you sit in front of the computer for a long time every day?
      • If you use the computer a lot, do you have problems with your back, shoulders, wrists or any other part of your body?
      • Do you have any work-related physical problems or injuries?
      • Do you use any special equipment?
      • Do you think it's important to have special equipment?
      • Do you do any exercise? If so, what do you do?
      • Is it important to do regular physical exercise? Why / Why not?
    2. Ask your tutor the same questions.

    Alternative 2 – Sports injuries
    1. Talk about a sports injury:
      • Do you know anybody who has had a sports injury?
      • When did it happen?
      • How did they get injured?
      • How often did they play/do this activity?
      • What did they have to do to get better?
      • Do they still play/do this activity?
    2. Ask your tutor the same questions.

  4. General questions about your studies or the course.