1. Write.

Choose ONE of the alternatives below.

Alternative 1 – Spending time
Prepare a short report comparing the lifestyles of people in different European countries.

In the table below you will find some facts and figures. Use this information to write your report.

The report should be about 150 words. Note that you don't have to include ALL the information.

How Europeans Spend Their Time (time per person per day)

European average
3h UK 5h 31m Czech Republic 4h 21m


7h 21m Greece 8h 27m Belgium 8h 3m

Doing housework

3h 22m Finland 5h 21m Germany 4h 29m

Watching TV

2h 2m Czech Republic 3h 50m UK 3h 4m

Getting to work

21m Greece 47m Poland 40m

Doing free-time activities

28m Portugal 1h 37m Holland 1h 4m

Being sociable

59m Hungary 2h 44m Sweden 1h 52m

Having a rest

43m Sweden 2h 39m Greece 1h 33m

Use expressions from this unit. For example:

Britons spend ...
The average Briton takes ...
roughly/nearly/over/about ...

Remember to use the correct nationality adjectives and nouns to describe the people from these countries:



the Czech Republic
the United Kingdom

Belgian people / Belgians
Czech people / Czechs
Finnish people / Finns
German people / Germans
Greek people / Greeks
Dutch people / the Dutch
Hungarian people / Hungarians
Polish people / Poles
Portuguese people / the Portuguese
Swedish people / Swedes
British people / Britons

Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before sending the text to your tutor.

Alternative 2 – A hobby
Read the description of a hobby. What is it?

I have been _____ for about seven or eight years. First I tried to learn by myself, but it was quite difficult. So one summer I did a two-week course in the south of England. Every morning we went out to the countryside and we spent the morning _____. From time to time the teacher came by and looked at the _____ and gave us advice. Since then I have been _____ alone. On sunny weekends I pack my _____ equipment, I drive to a beautiful place in the countryside, and I spend a couple of hours _____. Last year I had an exhibition and I sold about 15 _____!

Now check the answer to see if you were right.

The hobby is painting.

Write to your tutor and tell him or her about a hobby you have. You can include the following points:

  • How long you have been doing this activity
  • How you learned
  • How often you do it
  • Where you do it
  • When you do it
  • Any other interesting information about your hobby

Write about 150 words. Check spelling, grammar and organisation carefully before sending the text to your tutor.