1. Vocabulary, grammar and functional language.

Choose the best option.

2. Reading.

Read a magazine article and mark the sentences true or false.

Time, Time, Time

If I really don't like wasting time, why do I do so much of it? As I was waiting for the bus this morning – it took 18 minutes to arrive – I started to think about how much time I spend waiting for things to happen. For example, this morning I woke up early, before my alarm clock went off, and I spent twenty minutes lying in bed waiting for seven o'clock to come. I got up but had to wait another seven minutes because my son was in the bathroom. Finally, I was dressed and ready for breakfast. This meant six minutes waiting for the water to boil to make a cup of tea. I spend twenty minutes having breakfast and reading the newspaper, but I don't think this is wasted time. Having breakfast and reading the newspaper is time well spent! So, then I was ready to leave for work. I spent another minute waiting for the lift. Then I was out in the street. To get to the bus stop I have to cross a busy intersection. Yes, you guessed it, another two minutes of waiting for a red light so that I could cross the road. I began to add up the total so far, just to get on the bus to go to work. It was only eight o'clock and I had already spent more than half an hour ... just waiting!


3. Listening.

Read the questions first, then listen to someone talking about how she spends her time. Choose the correct answers to the questions. Remember that you can listen more than once.