1. In your country.

Read the text, and then answer the questions. You should write at least 12 sentences.

Ball-point pens are also known as biros. They are named after their Hungarian inventor. A sandwich is named after its inventor, an Englishman, the Earl of Sandwich. There is a type of raincoat called a mackintosh, which was invented by a Scottish inventor in 1843. Sydney, in Australia, is named after Lord Sydney, a British colonial secretary.

In your country, or your language are there examples of (1) things or (2) places named after people? Write one sentence about each example.

2. The names of things.

Write sentences to answer each of these questions:

  • Do people give pets or animals names in your country? What names are popular or common?
  • What about other things, like boats, houses, etc. – are they sometimes given names?

3. Colloquial speech.

In English there are some words short for other words; for example, telly is short for television, barby is short for barbecue (in Australia).

What words in your language are shortened or changed in colloquial speech? Write a sentence about each example.